Blog/Sexual Health

Last longer in bed – Treatment of the premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common disorders of the male reproductive function. Premature ejaculation is a disorder when ejaculation occurs either before sexual intercourse or right after the beginning of it (after several frictions).

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common disorders of the male reproductive function. Premature ejaculation is a disorder when ejaculation occurs either before sexual intercourse or right after the beginning of it (after several frictions).

To last longer in bed medicamental or psychological therapy will help depending on the form of the premature ejaculation. There are two causes of the sexual pathology: psychological and physiological. In most cases, premature ejaculation is a symptom of psychological trauma or disorder. It is more difficult to find out this problem than the physiological one, but it is real to do it.

The physiological causes of the appearance of premature ejaculation are two: increased sensitivity of the head of the penis and chronic disease of the urinary system of the man. During these disorders, there is an increased sensitivity of the nerve endings in the penis head due to which the sensitivity during intimacy is higher and it is needed little time to reach the orgasm.

During the medical therapy of premature ejaculation last longer pills are used.

In the case of the psychological form of premature ejaculation, there is an overstrain in the particular segment of the cerebral cortex due to which orgasm occurs faster. It is not a psychological disorder but a pathology that is characterized by the increased activity of the separate parts of the brain.

If the reason for premature ejaculation is psychological, a consultation with a sexologist psychologist is needed for the treatment. This way, you may increase the length of sexual intercourse without special medicines. However, the doctor may prescribe you sedative tabs or other medical products which will improve your psychological condition and remove tension.

In both cases, it is possible to take Dapoxetine (Priligy). Dapoxetine is an innovative remedy for the treatment of premature ejaculation. A peculiarity of this drug is that it will allow you to last longer in bed regardless of the cause of the sexual pathology. In case of psychological disease, this drug will help you to calm down and relax, and it will get rid of fear in front of the failures in the bed and improve your sexual health. According to its structure, Dapoxetine is similar to antidepressants, and therefore it has the same effect and easily restore the psychological condition of the patient.

If the cause is physiological, Priligy will also effectively help the man to last longer in bed. It reduces the sensitivity of the nerve centers in the head of the penis and ejaculation occurs in a long period of time. Despite the fact that the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the head is reduced it does not influence on the sensations during intimacy, and the man will be able to have complete sexual intercourse and get satisfaction. In any case, Dapoxetine is not a panacea for premature ejaculation, and besides the use of this drug, it is needed to see a doctor and have an examination in order to find out the cause of the pathology and get rid of it for good.

By Dr. Susan Levy, MD

  • Education: – B.A., Connecticut College, M.A., JFK University Ph.D., Oregon State University
  • Professional Memberships: Society for Behavioral Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity
  • Research Areas: My research interests focus on examining motivation for exercise adoption and maintenance, with a particular interest in the role of self-perceptions on exercise behaviors. My research has recently addressed exercise and physical activity patterns of middle-aged and older adults with arthritis. This work has been conducted in collaboration with faculty from the Graduate School of Public Health. I am also interested in measurement issues and statistical designs best suited to the assessment of related constructs.